Glasgow Girls

This article about about three new scholarship places for asylum seekers at Strathclyde University got me thinking again about the inspiring Glasgow Girls and the musical which was subsequently produced about their story. Read on for a blog post I wrote elsewhere after seeing the musical last year…   A musical about asylum seekers – how…

Enough is Enough

    Enough is Enough – a book I’ve just read about building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources – was both inspirational and depressing. Inspirational because it fuelled my suspicion that an alternative economic paradigm and way of living in the world really is possible. Depressing because when I looked up from…

How does this place make you feel?

The ‘Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined’ exhibition at the Royal Academy made me want to 1) become an architect and 2) express the ineffable. I have neither the time nor attention to detail required for the first, but I can give the second a shot. So there I was, at an interactive exhibition which encouraged visitors to respond…