‘Tis the season, again.

Six days before Christmas and I’ve suddenly realised that it’s happening. Term fizzled out on Friday as I turned in my final essay and Christmas, the next big hurdle, suddenly loomed large. I am utterly unprepared in every way. The few cards that I’ve started to make lie discarded around my room, along with papers to file,…

Paradigms, paperweights and procrastinations

On Tuesday, feeling pretty shattered, I pushed the boat out and blew my day’s budget on a Christmassy Hazelnut Mocha in Costa on Tottenham Court Road. It was to give me the energy to face the articles that had been piling up. I tackled the first one with some trepidation ‘My paradigm or yours? Alternative…

Love London? Taking it back.

Yesterday, I set off to South London optimistically, still in my London honeymoon period. I glared at the rude car drivers who didn’t stop for me at Zebra crossings on my walk to the bus stop, then promptly forgave them because the driver behind grinned at me and the sun was shining. I put up with the slow…

Life Drawing

Life drawing is my new hobby. It’s good to have a hobby, I’ve decided. In part, at least, to give me something to talk about other than my job which often ends up leaving me stressed out after yet another discussion about immigration policy and the fact that this government is pulling the funding rug…

The Volcano

Hundreds of British people stuck in northern France, desperate for ferries home, share their stories of difficult and expensive overland travel from across Europe. Listening to the Volcano-Refugees’ tales of camaraderie and ingenuity, I wonder if anyone else is remembering the last time that travellers stuck in Calais featured so prominently in our news. Will…