Thank God Christmas is over

Perversely, while everyone else sinks into the ‘January blues’ I’m smiling with relief that we’re as far away from Christmas as possible. Bah humbug? No, I hope not. Fingers crossed I’m not becoming one of those negative people whose opt-out tendencies mar the celebrations of others. Nevertheless, the closer Christmas came, the worse I felt.…

Post-Christmas confessions

Hey, hey. Happy (belated) new year! I’m back. And it is, you’ll be glad to hear, a relatively happy new year so far. And here I am with my confession: I don’t like December and, dare I say it, I’m not really sure I like Christmas either. I discovered this through the obligatory ‘how was…

Wondrous, mysterious

Decided I needed my final blog post before Christmas to be a bit more perky. So here it is. A Miriam Jones Christmas song. Listen to it here for free or just enjoy the words below. Once the tune’s in your head you won’t be able to stop humming along … Wondrous, mysterious I turned on the tv…

Life hurts

Life hurts. I could’ve told you that anyway, but yesterday I was enjoying (?) an article entitled ‘the Anthropology of Suffering’ which spelt out the concept in greater detail. Recently one of my classmates critiqued an article we’d read by suggesting that while its writer had painted a picture of the injustice in the world,…

‘Tis the season, again.

Six days before Christmas and I’ve suddenly realised that it’s happening. Term fizzled out on Friday as I turned in my final essay and Christmas, the next big hurdle, suddenly loomed large. I am utterly unprepared in every way. The few cards that I’ve started to make lie discarded around my room, along with papers to file,…

Paradigms, paperweights and procrastinations

On Tuesday, feeling pretty shattered, I pushed the boat out and blew my day’s budget on a Christmassy Hazelnut Mocha in Costa on Tottenham Court Road. It was to give me the energy to face the articles that had been piling up. I tackled the first one with some trepidation ‘My paradigm or yours? Alternative…

Typical times at youth club

It was a quiet reopening at the start of term, but sometimes those are the best opportunities to actually chat. A bit of table football and Wii, leftover mince pies, and the happy jokes and comfortable banter that come with shared experience and the security of consistent friendship. All with the familiar background battle over whose phone pumps Afghani music – just a…

Of all the years

The faint solitary strains of the King’s College ‘Once in Royal’ solo mark, without fail, the start of Christmas. This year it’s me, mum and my great uncle, with the radio on full blast so that he can hear it from his bed on the other side of the room.A new and inharmonious carol jars…

Joy to the world?

Ah, advent! My annual regret is back again: I knew I should’ve made my Christmas cards in the summer when days were long and time abounded. At least this year, by very late November, I know what they’ll look like and how many I need to prepare. At least now, when Mum tells me when…