How does this place make you feel?

The ‘Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined’ exhibition at the Royal Academy made me want to 1) become an architect and 2) express the ineffable. I have neither the time nor attention to detail required for the first, but I can give the second a shot. So there I was, at an interactive exhibition which encouraged visitors to respond…

Refusing to let the monster win

“Where are the Christian people today who see the status quo, who do not like what they see (because there are things in it which are unacceptable to God), who, therefore, refuse to come to terms with it, who dream dreams of an alternative society which would be more acceptable to God and who determine…

Post-Christmas confessions

Hey, hey. Happy (belated) new year! I’m back. And it is, you’ll be glad to hear, a relatively happy new year so far. And here I am with my confession: I don’t like December and, dare I say it, I’m not really sure I like Christmas either. I discovered this through the obligatory ‘how was…

Here, there and everywhere. Now, then, and always.

Gig-branded from a fun and folky evening in Camden with friends, I’m on the bus home having one of those moments when the world seems really big and everyone seems really far away. Joyfully confident in the contented rightness of my here and now, I nevertheless feel downright sad that so many people who I’d…

In awesome wonder

A friend and I were recently debating my old church’s strap-line ‘Delighting in God and displaying his glory’. (I’m beginning to question whether or not churches really need/should have strap-lines, but that’s for another blog post). We wondered if words like ‘delighting’, and even ‘glory’, really resonate with people and mean something to them. Do…

See, what a morning, gloriously bright…

Well, not quite so gloriously bright, actually. But hey. It was Easter morning and we were up first thing, umbrellas and all, to sing the songs that awaken the dawn. That sense of yawny excitement that comes when your alarm rings just that little bit too soon; forever associated with early morning flights and the…

Thinking things through with my inner artist

Last weekend, I rooted around at the bottom of a cupboard and dug out my long-forgotten jewellery-making stuff. Time for the resurgence of a creative hobby methinks. This was largely inspired by a visit to the London Art Fair where a number of little galleries had gathered to promote their peops and sell their work.…

Life hurts

Life hurts. I could’ve told you that anyway, but yesterday I was enjoying (?) an article entitled ‘the Anthropology of Suffering’ which spelt out the concept in greater detail. Recently one of my classmates critiqued an article we’d read by suggesting that while its writer had painted a picture of the injustice in the world,…

Joy to the world?

Ah, advent! My annual regret is back again: I knew I should’ve made my Christmas cards in the summer when days were long and time abounded. At least this year, by very late November, I know what they’ll look like and how many I need to prepare. At least now, when Mum tells me when…