‘Emerging church’. Yawn?

Is anyone else bored of this ‘emerging church’ malarkey? As with many words which used to excite me  (‘missional’, ‘incarnational’, ‘holistic’ etc etc), this has rather lost its pizzazz, which perhaps says more about my fickleness than the speed at which innovation becomes institution. The point is I wasn’t enthralled by the prospect of this…

Singing when the evening comes

 Saturday evening. Sitting on the bus. Pouring rain. Wet jeans. Leaking boots. Cold. It’s already got properly dark after one of those days when it never even got properly light. Feeling sorry for myself. Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns, sings Tim Hughes joyfully. Skip. How can I keep from singing your praise? enthuses…

Foolish attempts to make love out of thoughts

A woman in North Dakota, no longer waiting ‘for someone to complete me’, has married herself, according to this column in the Guardian. Her wedding to her ‘inner groom’ is a move that is celebrated, albeit with a healthy dose of cynicism, by the columnist who is ‘always cheered to hear that anyone has learned…

Do you hear the people sing?

Friends in high places made the Jubilee flotilla much more fun and much less wet. By friends in high places, I mean Harriet and her first floor office in County Hall by Waterloo Bridge which gives us all fantastic views of the boats going past.  I put on the earrings I’ve made for the occasion…

Boris or Ken? Ken or Boris?

There must be more choices than Boris or Ken. Right? Recognising the window of opportunity I have to voice my opinion in this so-called democracy, I decide to look into the candidates for the London Mayoral Elections which are taking place tomorrow. If you can’t face trawling through the options yourself, here’s my little summary:…

Cold quiche

I was really not in the mood for church on Sunday. On Saturday, for the umpteenth time, I had put on my happy face on to go to a wedding. It’s not that I didn’t want to be there and I was honestly really glad to be invited and to share their moment. I do…

The question of chuggers

‘Chugger’ (according to the Urban Dictionary):  Paid “charity” street worker (read: student) who has been trained to believe that they are carrying out a worthy task, improving peoples’ lives by conning Joe Public out of their money for this week’s Good Cause. Usually an agency worker where the agency takes a hefty cut of the…

An education?

In a space-making endeavour, I am sorting through and chucking out lots of my old clutter. I come across a file of old university essays and skim through them. About to start a masters, I find myself freaking out that my brain is no way up to scratch. For goodness sake, when I was 20…

Mr Bureaucrat-Administrator-Tutor-Man

Earlier this week I popped into college to collect my reflective journal from my counselling course… Mr Bureaucrat-Administrator-Tutor-Man (I’m not even really sure who he is) has gone back into his office to find my friend’s journal. He’s already told me it’s highly irregular to pick up someone else’s confidential work, yet despite this infringement…