Would Jesus have got a visa to the UK?

Here are a couple of pieces I was invited to write for Premier’s YCW (Youth and Children’s Work) magazine and website. The first is a comment piece in response to Justin Welby’s remark that Jesus wouldn’t have got a visa to the UK and the second reflects on how we can both stand in solidarity…


It’s been a while since I’ve written. This is an obituary for my dear Frances which I wrote for the Church of England Newspaper. It was written for that specific context but still, I hope, captures in some way my relationship with her and the fact that I miss her. “In everything that touched John…

Good Friday

It’s Good Friday. I’m back from a precious few days of holiday in sunny southern Spain (where they do Holy Week in style) and I’m preparing for Easter. Good Friday and Easter: life and death, mortality and eternity, separation and hope. Memories of Easter Day in hospital with Mum last year. Communion at her hospital…

My Etsy shop – finally!

Finally got round to selling my handmade cards. Named my Etsy shop after my much-loved and much-missed mum, Caroline, who died in April 2017. She always encouraged my creativity and I dedicate my miscellaneous arts and crafts to her. And besides, I’ve got to do something with all the cards I made during those horrible…

Seeing angels

I stopped because I needed to catch the scent of the blossom and because tiredness and sadness were making my feet too heavy to move. The old man shuffled down Harlesden High Street in comfortable robes and an embroidered fez-like hat that looked made for Eritrean weather not this chilly spring day. Leaning on his…

For life, not just for Christmas

Last week, I stood in the not-so-little town of Bethlehem looking up at the city’s dividing wall. Though somewhat beautified by thought-provoking art, it’s still a powerful symbol of injustice and makes daily life horrific for many. But then, as the sun rose at the start of today, I listened to the happy news that the UN…

[Insert inadequate emoji here]

Having written the word shit too many times in a text message, I decided to ring the changes by defining my life as crap instead. Nothing could’ve defused a rubbish moment more quickly than my newly updated phone suggesting that I replace the word crap with what it deemed to be a relevant emoji: I’m…

Want to buy some cards?

Would you like to buy some handmade cards? Hot off the press, two different sets of cards are available. Perfect for a whole range of occasions! Set 1: New baby, new home, thank you, congrats, happy birthday Set 2: Well done you, with love, miss you, thinking of you, hello friend Both sets are available in ‘bunting’ or…

And now for some creativity…

My blog is supposed to be for writing because I now put my arty stuff elsewhere. However I’ve recently struggled to find things to say and have, instead, got into the mass production of cards. I’ve now got a surplus so if anyone wants to stock up for future occasions, you can buy them from…