Christendom, capitalism and conservatives*

*Ok, so I don’t actually mention conservatives in this blog post, although they’re lurking implicitly in the background. Nevertheless, I include them in the title for the satisfaction of a soundly evangelical three-points-beginning-with-the-same-letter approach for those of you  who’ll appreciate that… My research proposal is getting me down. It’s technical, number-centred, and requires precision and…

When religion is lived

Last week I enjoyed one of the perks of studying at SOAS and went along to a random talk about the socio-political involvement and religious behaviour of Western Muslims. It sought to address questions like whether or not Islam’s transcendence of the civic sphere affects the political participation of Muslim people. That all sounds pretty…

I am (single, etc)

It was Richard’s flyaway reference at church to ‘some singles’ which set me thinking. Church is the only context I know where ‘single’ is used as a noun to refer to a person. For the non-Church folk among you, you can probably guess that it refers to a specimen of person who isn’t in a…

Post-wedding normality

  Am a little bit surprised by how much I got into the Royal Wedding on Friday. We were up for the coverage from 8am (BBC of course. Who would watch a Royal Wedding on ITV??) and by the time Kate left the hotel we were dying with the anticipation of it all. The dress!…