Do I count as an exile?

As I stood in front of the large photo of displaced Kurds, I realised that exactly two years ago I was doing much the same thing. Typical me. Here I am again, standing in some exhibition about displacement. Two years previously, on World Refugee Day, it was a UNHCR thing that we randomly snuck into…

Enough is Enough

    Enough is Enough – a book I’ve just read about building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources – was both inspirational and depressing. Inspirational because it fuelled my suspicion that an alternative economic paradigm and way of living in the world really is possible. Depressing because when I looked up from…

Blessed are the high net worth individuals for they will fund the social justice initiatives

(This post was originally published here on Threads. Feel free to comment there!)   “The language in this passage makes me tremble, because it is so surprising,” said Saul Cruz from Armonia, reading out words whose familiarity has eroded their cutting edge.   “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Or, as…

Refusing to let the monster win

“Where are the Christian people today who see the status quo, who do not like what they see (because there are things in it which are unacceptable to God), who, therefore, refuse to come to terms with it, who dream dreams of an alternative society which would be more acceptable to God and who determine…

Do you hear the people sing?

Friends in high places made the Jubilee flotilla much more fun and much less wet. By friends in high places, I mean Harriet and her first floor office in County Hall by Waterloo Bridge which gives us all fantastic views of the boats going past.  I put on the earrings I’ve made for the occasion…

Walking humbly in satin plimsolls

My post yesterday morning: On the one hand, Tearfund is asking me to help Agnes leave despair behind her. On the other, Boden is reminding me that they give 365 days of peace of mind. I open the letter and flick through the catalogue. Agnes’ soundbite in the letter is: ‘Last year I had malaria…

Justice, mercy and humility

Yesterday I spent most of the beautiful sunny day hidden away inside SOAS’ library trying to pull together some thoughts about my first essay: ‘Does modernisation necessarily imply dependency?’ And I can tell you that it’s no small task moving, in just two months, from a place of knowing very little about development to trying…