Singing when the evening comes

 Saturday evening. Sitting on the bus. Pouring rain. Wet jeans. Leaking boots. Cold. It’s already got properly dark after one of those days when it never even got properly light. Feeling sorry for myself. Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns, sings Tim Hughes joyfully. Skip. How can I keep from singing your praise? enthuses…

Here, there and everywhere. Now, then, and always.

Gig-branded from a fun and folky evening in Camden with friends, I’m on the bus home having one of those moments when the world seems really big and everyone seems really far away. Joyfully confident in the contented rightness of my here and now, I nevertheless feel downright sad that so many people who I’d…

Foolish attempts to make love out of thoughts

A woman in North Dakota, no longer waiting ‘for someone to complete me’, has married herself, according to this column in the Guardian. Her wedding to her ‘inner groom’ is a move that is celebrated, albeit with a healthy dose of cynicism, by the columnist who is ‘always cheered to hear that anyone has learned…

Wondrous, mysterious

Decided I needed my final blog post before Christmas to be a bit more perky. So here it is. A Miriam Jones Christmas song. Listen to it here for free or just enjoy the words below. Once the tune’s in your head you won’t be able to stop humming along … Wondrous, mysterious I turned on the tv…

‘Tis the season, again.

Six days before Christmas and I’ve suddenly realised that it’s happening. Term fizzled out on Friday as I turned in my final essay and Christmas, the next big hurdle, suddenly loomed large. I am utterly unprepared in every way. The few cards that I’ve started to make lie discarded around my room, along with papers to file,…

Lest we forget

Remembrance Sunday has come round again. I’ve already managed to spectacularly decapitate my first poppy while putting on my coat, so I’m saving my new one for church this morning. One of my Spanish coursemates asked about my poppy (this was before it fell apart, as I knew it would), and refused to believe our…

Here’s to you

Enjoyed celebrating my birthday with a bunch of friends last night. Think I’m feeling ultra-nostalgic at the moment – what with all my packing up and imminent change and all that – but even so I couldn’t help but be happy for this moment. Am loving this Brooke Fraser song which seems to capture where I’m at…

I am (single, etc)

It was Richard’s flyaway reference at church to ‘some singles’ which set me thinking. Church is the only context I know where ‘single’ is used as a noun to refer to a person. For the non-Church folk among you, you can probably guess that it refers to a specimen of person who isn’t in a…

Inside fettered or inside free?

Sharing a song that I’m listening to at the moment. Ok, so lyrics are only the half of it, but hey, you can download the tune too if you’re so inclined. I like how Miriam sees and articulates life. How she rides the ebb and flow of the now and not yet. Her bold vulnerability…