Do I count as an exile?

As I stood in front of the large photo of displaced Kurds, I realised that exactly two years ago I was doing much the same thing. Typical me. Here I am again, standing in some exhibition about displacement. Two years previously, on World Refugee Day, it was a UNHCR thing that we randomly snuck into…

Refusing to let the monster win

“Where are the Christian people today who see the status quo, who do not like what they see (because there are things in it which are unacceptable to God), who, therefore, refuse to come to terms with it, who dream dreams of an alternative society which would be more acceptable to God and who determine…

‘Emerging church’. Yawn?

Is anyone else bored of this ‘emerging church’ malarkey? As with many words which used to excite me  (‘missional’, ‘incarnational’, ‘holistic’ etc etc), this has rather lost its pizzazz, which perhaps says more about my fickleness than the speed at which innovation becomes institution. The point is I wasn’t enthralled by the prospect of this…

Singing when the evening comes

 Saturday evening. Sitting on the bus. Pouring rain. Wet jeans. Leaking boots. Cold. It’s already got properly dark after one of those days when it never even got properly light. Feeling sorry for myself. Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns, sings Tim Hughes joyfully. Skip. How can I keep from singing your praise? enthuses…

Church culture shock

I was so desperate to leave church by midday but couldn’t work out why. I sent round a flurry of texts hoping to find at least one friend who was actually in London. Someone who required minimal effort, who was fun to be with, who could cheer me up, and who got me. Thank goodness…

See, what a morning, gloriously bright…

Well, not quite so gloriously bright, actually. But hey. It was Easter morning and we were up first thing, umbrellas and all, to sing the songs that awaken the dawn. That sense of yawny excitement that comes when your alarm rings just that little bit too soon; forever associated with early morning flights and the…

Christendom, capitalism and conservatives*

*Ok, so I don’t actually mention conservatives in this blog post, although they’re lurking implicitly in the background. Nevertheless, I include them in the title for the satisfaction of a soundly evangelical three-points-beginning-with-the-same-letter approach for those of you  who’ll appreciate that… My research proposal is getting me down. It’s technical, number-centred, and requires precision and…