Christendom, capitalism and conservatives*

*Ok, so I don’t actually mention conservatives in this blog post, although they’re lurking implicitly in the background. Nevertheless, I include them in the title for the satisfaction of a soundly evangelical three-points-beginning-with-the-same-letter approach for those of you  who’ll appreciate that… My research proposal is getting me down. It’s technical, number-centred, and requires precision and…

Hold your head up. Moving on.

Let me purge my essays from my system with one mention, and then that’s it. Promise. I am not (or, at least, I never used to be) a last-minute person, but one of my essays went so wrong that I pretty much started again with two days to go. In it went at 11.35pm, 25…


I glanced up from my books just as an old lady was passing by outside. She paused by the blossom that’s emerging in the front garden, leant forward and gazed at the intricacy of the fresh new shoots. Then she closed her eyes and breathed its essence in. She smiled, then wandered on. Slightly guilty…

LDN life: let us eat cake

Sunshine, friends and food have worked their restorative magic after an exhausting week. It was the week which began with submitting our dissertation proposals and ended with our much-dreaded and much-prepared for group presentations. As we left SOAS at 11pm on Presentation Eve, after hours of printing and practice, I was definitely ready for a…

Oops, I cried again

Crying on public transport is always a bit embarrassing and it had been a while since I’d done it. Nonetheless, as I curled up on the Oxford Tube earlier this evening and watched the snowy surrounds of the M40 whizzing past, I found the tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. It was dark, the coach…

And there was me thinking it was just a chilli

I’m sitting in Senate House library, daunted by the prospect of writing my next essay but geekily enjoying the wooden and booky smell of old-fashioned library and its creaky silence. I smile at the pile of books about multiculturalism that I’m chewing my way through and snuggle up in the solitude. I’m contemplating some very…

Paradigms, paperweights and procrastinations

On Tuesday, feeling pretty shattered, I pushed the boat out and blew my day’s budget on a Christmassy Hazelnut Mocha in Costa on Tottenham Court Road. It was to give me the energy to face the articles that had been piling up. I tackled the first one with some trepidation ‘My paradigm or yours? Alternative…

Justice, mercy and humility

Yesterday I spent most of the beautiful sunny day hidden away inside SOAS’ library trying to pull together some thoughts about my first essay: ‘Does modernisation necessarily imply dependency?’ And I can tell you that it’s no small task moving, in just two months, from a place of knowing very little about development to trying…

We are not misplaced

Baroness Cox described herself as a nurse and social scientist by intention, and a baroness by astonishment. Beyond the fact that she’s a peer who speaks out for oppressed, persecuted and voiceless people around the world, I didn’t know all that much about her when I went to hear her speak this morning at ChristChurch…