Foolish attempts to make love out of thoughts

A woman in North Dakota, no longer waiting ‘for someone to complete me’, has married herself, according to this column in the Guardian. Her wedding to her ‘inner groom’ is a move that is celebrated, albeit with a healthy dose of cynicism, by the columnist who is ‘always cheered to hear that anyone has learned…

Walking humbly in satin plimsolls

My post yesterday morning: On the one hand, Tearfund is asking me to help Agnes leave despair behind her. On the other, Boden is reminding me that they give 365 days of peace of mind. I open the letter and flick through the catalogue. Agnes’ soundbite in the letter is: ‘Last year I had malaria…

Just give me a fish

“It’s great to get a new phone. Some people don’t bother and say that the one they have is fine and still works and so don’t upgrade – but that’s not fun is it?!? It’s a free upgrade!” – Simon, my Aussie friend. So, I was feeling pretty chuffed with my new BlackBerry, even though…

Counselling Course Week 2: Am I listening to you?

I’m having a confidentiality crisis. While eager to share my carefully-crafted reflective journal, I’m haunted by the ground rule agreed on by my class that ‘what’s said in the room stays in the room’. So here, instead, are some ponderings on the concept of the moment: ‘active listening’. Last night, we considered the challenges we…