Christendom, capitalism and conservatives*

*Ok, so I don’t actually mention conservatives in this blog post, although they’re lurking implicitly in the background. Nevertheless, I include them in the title for the satisfaction of a soundly evangelical three-points-beginning-with-the-same-letter approach for those of you  who’ll appreciate that… My research proposal is getting me down. It’s technical, number-centred, and requires precision and…

Oops, I cried again

Crying on public transport is always a bit embarrassing and it had been a while since I’d done it. Nonetheless, as I curled up on the Oxford Tube earlier this evening and watched the snowy surrounds of the M40 whizzing past, I found the tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. It was dark, the coach…

And there was me thinking it was just a chilli

I’m sitting in Senate House library, daunted by the prospect of writing my next essay but geekily enjoying the wooden and booky smell of old-fashioned library and its creaky silence. I smile at the pile of books about multiculturalism that I’m chewing my way through and snuggle up in the solitude. I’m contemplating some very…

When religion is lived

Last week I enjoyed one of the perks of studying at SOAS and went along to a random talk about the socio-political involvement and religious behaviour of Western Muslims. It sought to address questions like whether or not Islam’s transcendence of the civic sphere affects the political participation of Muslim people. That all sounds pretty…

Living like a common man…

… is the title of a film I watched yesterday. It’s a great documentary about young people from India living in London for a couple of years, and it charts their lives, thoughts, experiences and aspirations throughout that time. The title is a quote from one of the young men who, like the others, lives…

Cowley Road

  We sauntered down Cowley Road, full of Rice Box noodles and spicy spare ribs, to enjoy the milder, lighter evening and see who we’d bump into. I hadn’t realised there were so many Indians in Oxford. At any rate, most of them were out last night, euphorically celebrating their World Cup win. From groups…