
The perfect reflection of sky in still water. The sudden illumination of a snow-capped mountain as the shadows shift. The soft clouds which hang wistfully in the valley or gather round the highest peaks. Georgia was definitely a good choice of holiday destination, I think to myself with deep satisfaction.  It’s beautiful here. I want…

Holy Land?

“Please leave the flowers here for others to enjoy”, read the pretty ceramic notice in the garden where Jesus may (or may not) have been buried. Although somewhat sad that this sign was necessary, it was unsurprising. So many people here seem to want a piece of Jesus and for some nicking these flowers is…

A washed-out utopia

Rain in Jerusalem is properly wet. It’s that alive kind of rain which bounces off the pavements, causes water to cascade down the streets, and feels more like someone is emptying a bucket rather than gently watering the world. It’s the kind of rain that totally justifies sheltering for a while in the peaceful dryness…

Towards Jerusalem

Throwing Objects Out Of The Car Is Prohibited so, although the sign had put the idea in my head and induced an overwhelming desire to do just that, I instead had to kick back, stare out of the window and cocoon myself in the reassuring familiarity of an Agatha Christie audio book. Once the shared…

Glasgow Girls

This article about about three new scholarship places for asylum seekers at Strathclyde University got me thinking again about the inspiring Glasgow Girls and the musical which was subsequently produced about their story. Read on for a blog post I wrote elsewhere after seeing the musical last year…   A musical about asylum seekers – how…