Cold quiche

I was really not in the mood for church on Sunday. On Saturday, for the umpteenth time, I had put on my happy face on to go to a wedding. It’s not that I didn’t want to be there and I was honestly really glad to be invited and to share their moment. I do…


For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of having a magnolia tree in my garden. Of course, that dream naturally evaporated along with those other child assumptions of a house and garden and sedentary life in the UK. Nevertheless, magnolia trees have retained their je ne sais quoi and have been cheering…

Hold your head up. Moving on.

Let me purge my essays from my system with one mention, and then that’s it. Promise. I am not (or, at least, I never used to be) a last-minute person, but one of my essays went so wrong that I pretty much started again with two days to go. In it went at 11.35pm, 25…

Oops, I cried again

Crying on public transport is always a bit embarrassing and it had been a while since I’d done it. Nonetheless, as I curled up on the Oxford Tube earlier this evening and watched the snowy surrounds of the M40 whizzing past, I found the tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. It was dark, the coach…

Post-wedding normality

  Am a little bit surprised by how much I got into the Royal Wedding on Friday. We were up for the coverage from 8am (BBC of course. Who would watch a Royal Wedding on ITV??) and by the time Kate left the hotel we were dying with the anticipation of it all. The dress!…

Joy to the world?

Ah, advent! My annual regret is back again: I knew I should’ve made my Christmas cards in the summer when days were long and time abounded. At least this year, by very late November, I know what they’ll look like and how many I need to prepare. At least now, when Mum tells me when…