
I glanced up from my books just as an old lady was passing by outside. She paused by the blossom that’s emerging in the front garden, leant forward and gazed at the intricacy of the fresh new shoots. Then she closed her eyes and breathed its essence in. She smiled, then wandered on. Slightly guilty…


My  sleepy awake eyes  stare at the time. 2am. Sigh and turn over. Lie there.  Counting.  Thinking. Trying to not think.      I calculate the remaining hours until getting up time   and try to will myself  to sleep.  It doesn’t work and I give up.   Turn on the light. Start re-reading the novel I just finished. 2.30am.  Try again.  Whirring…

Joy to the world?

Ah, advent! My annual regret is back again: I knew I should’ve made my Christmas cards in the summer when days were long and time abounded. At least this year, by very late November, I know what they’ll look like and how many I need to prepare. At least now, when Mum tells me when…